PTA (Parent, Teacher Association)
NExt second hand uniform sale: Sat July 13th
Next Meeting date : Wednesday 10th July - 7.15pm - Seacole Building
The PTA is a vital part of the school community and helps in building links between school and home.
The money that the PTA raises is more important than ever before and our PTA works hard to ensure that the school has the necessary support it needs with many fundraising events, including the M Festival, which is hugely successful.
We are always on the lookout for new parents to join the PTA, any support – no matter how small is welcome. If your time is limited, you don’t have to attend all the meetings. You can choose to help in organising a particular event with other parents from the school, offer a particular skill, or help out with backroom admin tasks.
We have meetings on a regular basis (dates will appear on the PTA Website) and we also have a Facebook page - you can find us at Marlborough Science Academy PTA.
If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Kind regards
Karen Francis and Sue James
PTA Co-Chairs
Co-Chair: :Karen Francis and Sue James
Treasurer : Michael Cleaton - Co treasurer: Richard Gillin
Secretary. : Terri Clarke - Co secretary: Jackie Vezgyez
What is the PTA, how to get involved and how to contact us?
The current PTA is an active group of parents, who together with the Headteacher, Annie Thomson, work with the school to raise funds to improve the school experience for all our children. The PTA is a vital part of the school community, and helps in building links between school and home.
We usually meet in the second week of each half-term for an hour or so. Meetings are held in the school Boardroom and everyone is welcome. Minutes of previous meetings can be found on the left under the 'PTA Downloads' section if you would like to know more about what goes on.
All parents are automatically part of the PTA and we are always on the lookout for ideas about events and for helpers.
If your time is limited, you don’t have to attend all the meetings. You can choose to help in organising a particular event, offer a particular skill, (like marketing), or help out with backroom admin tasks.
Attending events and encouraging other parents to support events also helps.
Bids for funds can be made at our PTA meetings each half term. Click here for a copy of the bid form.
If you want to find out more about what it's like to be on the PTA, drop us an email at
Next PTA Meeting:
Wednesday 1st May - 7.15pm - Seacole Building
Next Second-Hand Uniform Sale:
Sat July 13th
All proceeds from sales go to the PTA to help fund school projects. Donations of good quality, clean uniform can be made via school reception or can be collected within the St Albans area. Please email us at
We look forward to hearing from you!
Our Achievements
With dedicated support from PTA volunteers and staff, and the attendance of parents at these events over the past couple of years, we have managed to support:
- 'M' Festival - Marlborough Musical Festival
- Winter Wonderland Ball
- Pub in the Park raffle tickets
- Whole School Jubilee party
- Activities to help year 7 transition
Donations to school over the last academic year (22/23)
- Summer School 2022
- Dinosaur School visit
- Rollaco Presses for Art
- Rotary Cutters for Art & Home Economics
- Precision balance/Highland scale for Science
- Raybox set for Science
- Form tutor Y11 gifts.
The value of these exceeded £7000!!
In November 2023, the local Co-op worked with us to raise over £2200 for the school.
Other contribtions made over the last couple of years...
- Virtual Baby for Child Development
- Leotards, athletic vests and netball dresses for PE
- LED stage lighting and extra staging for Drama/Dance Studio
- Portable Printing Press & Display cabinet and equipment for Art Department
- Guitar Amps, Microphones, 6 Drum Kits and DJ equipment for the Music Department
- GoPro Action Camera for use on school trips
- 30 student Laptops for use in the Humanities Faculty
- Plants in school lunch hall
- E readers for English
- Fieldwork Equipment
- Ukuleles for lunchtime and after-school lessons
- Equipment for DofE trips/award
- A 3-D printer for design and technology
- Apple Macs
- Chess Sets
- Science Equipment
- Trampoline
- Leather sofa for Merlin centre
- Lunchtime tables
- Plus lots more!