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The Marlborough Science Academy

Sixth Form

Click here to view a copy of the Post 16 Options Booklet for 2024/25.

We are extremely proud of our Post 16 provision for a wide variety of reasons and especially proud of our students who are fully involved in the school and local community.  We are particularly proud that students who leave our sixth form go on to follow their dreams and ambitions, whether that be medicine at university, apprenticeships in quantity surveying or entering the world of work.

Whilst appreciating that A level study has changed and demands real focus and determination, our Post 16 provision is fully inclusive; it is our duty to determine for all our cohorts pathways that will inevitably lead to success hence our commitment to the apprenticeship scheme at level 2 and 3 as well as a wide choice of A levels. Operating within our consortium The Learning Partners (Loreto College, Nicholas Breakspear, STAGS, Samuel Ryder Academy and Townsend), we are able to offer 32 A levels and guarantee teaching of an extremely high quality.

In its last visit, Ofsted stated that “Attendance amongst sixth-form students is high, particularly in Year 12, because you are embedding a culture of good attendance and of high aspiration.”  They go on to say "Sixth-form students speak very positively about the support that they are given, explaining that their work is interesting and challenging. They say that they are keen to reach their target grades, and know how to do so. This was evident during inspectors’ observations of their learning. Students appreciate the guidance about applying to university, entering the workplace or securing high-level apprenticeships; they say it is useful and motivates them."

All our Post 16 students are immersed fully in school life lower down the school, they support in lessons, help with reading, support Year 7 transition, act as prefects and support staff with productions, external visits and high-profile school events.  Within our volunteering programme captains of industry, company directors and entrepreneurs are regularly in school to encourage, motivate and inspire achievement at the highest levels; there is also an ongoing commitment to equipping our students with the skills needed to support independent living, including financial advice, health and well-being or living on a budget. 

To see a list of our 2024 student university destinations, please click here.

To see our Sixth Form in action, please contact Mrs Battams on 01727 731371 to arrange a tour.


Students will be admitted to Year 12 in accordance with our Single Equality Policy.  Admission into the Sixth Form does not guarantee a place on any particular course.  The Academy publishes separate course entry requirements.  Entry requirements are based on an individual and their desired pathways and can be seen in our post 16 prospectus which is available from our school website.

The admissions number for external students for September 2024 is 20. Over-subscription for external candidates will be based on meeting the academic entry requirements for the course.

  1. Students who are looked after or were previously looked after (children looked after or children previously looked after who ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order), including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. Students who were on roll at The Marlborough Science Academy in the Year 11 preceding the admission year.
  3. Students for whom it can be demonstrated that they have a particular medical or social need to go to the Academy, (evidence must be provided by a professional dealing with the child’s case).    
  4. Students whose permanent address is closest to the Academy address point.  A ‘straight line’ distance measurement is used.  Distances are measured using a computerised mapping system to two decimal places.  The measurement is taken from the Address Base Premium address point of your child’s house to the address point of the school. Address Base Premium data is a nationally recognised method of identifying the location of schools and individual reasons.

The Academy will use these rules in the order they are printed above.  Rule 4 will apply as a tiebreaker for rules 2 and 3. In each category, priority will be given to those living nearest the Academy, measured in a straight line from the student’s permanent home address to the main Academy address point. If more children qualify under a particular rule than there are places available, a tie-break will be used by applying the next rule to those children. In the case of two applicants with exactly the same priority under the admission rules, but only one place being available, the Governing Body will offer places to both families.

Post 16 Tuition Statement 

Click here to view the Post 16 Tuition statement. 

Additional hours statement 

Click here to view a copy of our Additional Hours Statement.