What is Oracy?
What is oracy? In short, oracy is the ability to listen, talk and communicate clearly. At its core it’s the outcome that allows students to talk confidently, appropriately, and sensitively. Students learn through talk, deepening their understanding through dialogue.
Every student in The Marlborough Science Academy is encouraged to have a voice, an opinion on a wide range of topics, and a safe space to discuss them. At The Marlborough Science Academy, we teach our students the oracy skills needed to be excellent communicators.
Why is Oracy so important?
In an ever-growing technological world, it is vital that our young people are to communicate with their peers and with adults. Communication is a key life skill that will aid our students in their future endeavours
Weekly Form Time discussions.
The Form Time discussions exercise the four strands of oracy: cognitive, linguistic, social and emotional, and physical. Within the discussions shared language, structured debates, oracy targets, and non-verbal communications are demonstrated.
All students are encouraged to be actively involved in the discussion. Discussions are chaired by the Form Tutor and students are taught to show compassion, tolerance, and dignity. At the end of each week, students are invited to share their views in an Oracy Poll to ensure that every voice is heard. The results of which are shared within the school weekly, and the wider school community half termly.
We recognise that sometimes talking in groups or on issues that are new to you, can be difficult; therefore, our reward system recognises this, and all students who participate in the Oracy Discussion, receive House points.