Personal Development
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The Association of Character Education has recognised Marlborough for its excellent work on Character Education and awarded the school the prestigious School of Character Quality Mark. This award is a formal acknowledgement of the work Marlborough has done to promote and develop Character Education. Following an evaluative visit by the Chair of the Association of Character Education the school has met the exacting standards required to be awarded the “School of Character Kitemark”.
The report acknowledged that Marlborough is a school “which has clearly focused on the development of the whole child for many years and it is now evident that the character programme which has been evolved over recent months is ensuring that the core values underpin all aspects of the school’s work, including academic expectation and “virtuous behaviour”.
The report also highlighted Marlborough’s students’ abilities to articulate the significance of Character Education in their discussions with the Association for Character Education team.
The report stated that both assessors “were significantly impressed with the maturity and competence of the students they interviewed. Students were able to articulate with confidence and enthusiasm regarding the positive impact the character programme was having on their lives now and in the future. The level of maturity and obvious personal reflection exhibited by students of all ages was impressive and reflected positively on their sense of pride in their school and its wider community. They understood that character development and academic achievement were of equal value and their understanding of the concept of applying “phronesis” in order to make the right decisions in a range of challenging situations“.
Ms Thomson is delighted the school has been awarded such prestigious recognition that reflects the importance both staff and students place on Character Education.