Gift Aid | M Store
Supporting Your Academy – Parental Donations
Dear Parents/Carers
At The Marlborough Science Academy, we are committed to creating the best learning environment possible for our community and we have worked very hard to continue with this despite the restrictions of Covid.
Over the last few years we have updated and expanded many areas around the school mainly due to prudent budgeting and our increased popularity, however we have also been very fortunate to have received funding through additional channels which has helped to supply additional extras that enhance our students’ learning.
Despite all these successes however, and with education funding seeing a real time cut over the next few years and despite some additional Covid funding, we have to look at alternative ways of income generation if we are to continue to provide the best resources for our student body. Extras like up to date ICT resources, musical equipment, PE equipment, Media Studies resources, design & technology equipment are just a few of the things that we want to invest in to support learning, particularly regarding technology.
Whilst totally appreciating the impact financially on many of our families I just wanted to give you the option as parents to support the school (if you can) and a powerful way to help is through our parental voluntary donation scheme. As a result of this in the past we have been able to purchase the following (amongst other things) for our Academy:
- Fully upgraded lighting & sound equipment for Da Vinci hall to support with whole school events, in particular the whole school production.
- A new school minibus.
A powerful way to help is through our parental voluntary donation scheme. As a result of this in the past we have been purchase the following (amongst other things) for our Academy:
- In excess of £10,000 worth of new books for our Learning Research Centre
- A new school minibus
Any contributions made, due to our charitable status, are also eligible for gift aid which increases this income even further.
How does the Gift Aid Scheme work
For every pound donated to the Academy through the scheme, we are able to claim back from the Inland Revenue a further 25p.
Donations can be made monthly, quarterly or if you prefer as a one-off amount. A donation of £10 per month is equal to 33p per day and if every parent was able to make this contribution for a year, then the Academy would receive an extra £30,000 from the Taxman. £30,000 could:
- Allow us to purchase a class set of laptops and a laptop trolley
- Allow for the upgrade of our ICT suites
- Enable us to upgrade our LRC facilities
If you would like to support your Academy in this way, then all you need to do is complete the attached Gift Aid declaration form, the Standing Order Mandate Form if you are choosing to make monthly/quarterly donations, and return these to the Academy marked for the attention of the Finance Office.
As with all the Academy’s finances, the Governors continue to review the financial situation to ensure that the maximum value for money is obtained in every area of budget expenditure.
Please do, however, let me emphasise a few important points:-
- Contributions remain voluntary - your child will not suffer any inequality of opportunity at Marlborough if you decide you are unable to support us in this way.
- Other forms of voluntary fund raising will continue - the PTA in particular, provides much more than an additional source of funds; it is a fundamental part of the wider school/family/community picture which we value very highly.
Let me end by stressing that I am totally committed to making Marlborough succeed for the sake of your children’s education and future. The high standards that we strive for at Marlborough will continue irrespective of any Gift Aid contribution. What Gift Aid will do for us, however, is allow us to rollout ICT initiatives a little more quickly than budgeted for or assist with our modernisation programme. Any amount, however small, would be enormously helpful to us.
Please do help us if you possibly can.
Ms A Thomson