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The Marlborough Science Academy

G&T Achievements

The Royal Geographical Society 2024 School Essay Competition 

The Royal Geographical Society 2024 School Essay Competition, organised in partnership with the Financial Times, asked students to answer the following question: ‘Drawing on information from your daily life, what sustainability action points would you prioritise?’ Entrants were asked to include no more than ten key ideas. They had to justify their choices. Accompanying information from the FT and other sources had to be used. Sara Urdaneta was one of 19 students who entered from Marlborough who were encouraged to draw on various insights from right across the geographical, scientific, and political spectrum. Sara capably applied her knowledge from her geography studies with her own academic endeavour to create a highly engaging and well researched essay which was recognised by the Royal Geographical Society and the Financial Times who awarded her with a “Highly Commended”, one of only 15 students internationally.

A tremendous recognition of her achievement


 Congratulations to Sara from all at TMSA. 

National Youth Theatre 2024 

Earlier this year Mrs Griggs told me that there was an opportunity to audition with National Youth Theatre as part of a school audition day. I think that I can attribute my success auditioning to this opportunity, and even before I was accepted I had already had a great learning experience in the audition alone. Unlike the general audition process I was going to take, which meant sending in a pre-recorded monologue, the in-school audition was a full workshop with the auditioner, followed by an in-person 1:1 audition monologue. This was incredibly useful because it allowed the auditioner to know us better as actors and understand our individual strengths and qualities. This is my first time auditioning for something like this, and it made me feel so much better having support from school, Mrs Griggs and being able to experience it with other students. 

I was more relaxed because I’d had fun in the workshop with my friends, which made it a better experience overall. I was nervous when audition results day came around, and opened my email with much anticipation and was so excited to see I had been successful and was offered a place on their summer programme. 

My National Youth Theatre summer course was one of the best things I’ve ever done. It was such an amazing experience and I feel so lucky that I’ve been able to experience it.  Not only did I learn so much and meet so many people, but I’m also very conscious that being a member opens up so many other opportunities for me in the world of drama. 

- Ivy Sawyer Year 10

I was exceptionally grateful and honoured to receive a space on the National Youth Theatre course in Newcastle in the summer 2024. NYT is an amazing opportunity for aspiring actors and theatre makers as it opens all sorts of opportunities and teaches valuable skills needed for the industry. 

I was super lucky as my school provided me with the experience to audition, meaning a member of the panel came to our school! The day consisted of my peers and I contributing to a group workshop where we got to show our creativity, physicality and thinking on the spot. In addition to learning a lot,  it was an amazing way to connect with friends from different age groups and to create art, along with a lot of fun. After the workshop, we each individually had the opportunity to be interviewed and auditioned by the panel, explaining our aspirations and passions in the industry. We then performed a monologue, which Mrs Griggs and Mr Griggs helped us block and polish allowing us to perform with confidence. My NYT experience has had such a positive impact on me not only as an actor, but also a person. Being surrounded by people that are just as passionate as I am helped me build such a strong sense of belonging and friendship, and I am so grateful that I got to be inspired by them every day for that course. Along with perfecting my Geordie accent and slang, NYT required deep emotional exploration and physical commitment, challenging me to expand my range and step out of my comfort zone. Theatre and drama are essential for young people as its community is so accepting, allowing them to build confidence, social skills, and friendships. Opportunities in the arts are becoming increasingly less, and NYT is one of the most favourable experiences for young people who feel a connection and sense of belonging in theatre. I could have never achieved a place on NYT without the organisation and support of my teachers as they taught me that acting is not just about being in the spotlight—it’s about listening, responding, and being present in every moment.

- Claramae Collins Year 12


Rotary Club Debate Competition 

in November 2024, we won the St Albans round of the Rotary Club debate competition, outscoring the likes of Beaumont and STAGS. ‘But how did we get to this point,’ I hear you ask? It began in July. We started tirelessly writing our speech, perfecting them to the core over several months. We thought we were finally at peace until we remembered we had to memorise all of the pages. After weeks of repeating words and glueing them to our minds, we had done it. We memorised it. We were ready. On the night of the debate we sat down, nervously listening to all the other speeches, eagerly awaiting our turn. Our hearts skipped a beat as we heard “Our next speakers will be from the Marlborough Science Academy”. We swallowed our nerves and got on stage. We embraced the fear and turned it into confidence, charisma and power. Before we knew it we had done it. We had performed in front of a massive crowd. Finally after a nail-biting wait (we passed the time by eating the complimentary biscuits), we were ready to hear the results. We heard the phrase “The speech that won was filled with jokes and confidence”. We all looked at each other, hoping it was our speech they were referring to. It was… We did it. We had won. Tavor Lifshitz 8RC, my fellow debater said: “ I really hoped we would win but the judges took so long my stress was immense. After we won I was exhilarated. This experience was a great motivational step for the next round!” William Harris 8RC, another team member, said, “The long hours of memorising my speech was worth it when I heard we’d won.’ We will now be competing in the Herts and Beds round of the competition in Aylesbury. Let’s hope for more success!

Eddie Walsh 8RC

Congratulations from all at TMSA

Rotary Technology Tournament 

Students from Years 8, 9, 10 and 12 Design & Technology and Engineering, travelled to Katherine Warington School, Harpenden to compete in the 2025 Rotary competition. All teams performed to an excellent standard with our Year 8 students bringing home the KS3 silver prize. This makes it the second year in a row that students Luki Clements 8AN, Ceci Clements 8AN, and George Zhang 8RC, have taken home the second-place prize, with this year Sam Drew 8ED joining the ranks.

All students represented the school to the highest standard and as usual were a joy to work with. Congratulations from all at TMSA

Mr Dwane