Rotary club competition
Rotary Club Debate Competition
Last month, we won the St Albans round of the Rotary Club debate competition, outscoring the likes of Beaumont and STAGS. ‘But how did we get to this point,’ I hear you ask? It began in July. We started tirelessly writing our speech, perfecting them to the core over several months. We thought we were finally at peace until we remembered we had to memorise all of the pages. After weeks of repeating words and glueing them to our minds, we had done it. We memorised it. We were ready. On the night of the debate we sat down, nervously listening to all the other speeches, eagerly awaiting our turn. Our hearts skipped a beat as we heard “Our next speakers will be from the Marlborough Science Academy”. We swallowed our nerves and got on stage. We embraced the fear and turned it into confidence, charisma and power. Before we knew it we had done it. We had performed in front of a massive crowd. Finally after a nail-biting wait (we passed the time by eating the complimentary biscuits), we were ready to hear the results. We heard the phrase “The speech that won was filled with jokes and confidence”. We all looked at each other, hoping it was our speech they were referring to. It was… We did it. We had won. Tavor Lifshitz 8RC, my fellow debater said: “ I really hoped we would win but the judges took so long my stress was immense. After we won I was exhilarated. This experience was a great motivational step for the next round!” William Harris 8RC, another team member, said, “The long hours of memorising my speech was worth it when I heard we’d won.’ We will now be competing in the Herts and Beds round of the competition in Aylesbury. Let’s hope for more success! Eddie Walsh 8RC