Heads of Faculty - For all matters relating to specific subjects:
- Ms S Fogarty- English Tel:01727 731348
- Mrs J Greenwood - Mathematics Tel:01727 731354
- Mr G Spiller - Science Tel:01727 731355
- Mr D Samsami - Humanities (Geography, History, RS)Tel:01727 731344
- Mr S Salih - Technology Tel:01727 731336
- Mr K Henshall - Languages Tel:01727 731351
- Mr S Salih - Performing Arts (Music, Art, Drama)Tel:01727 731336
- Mrs N Golds - Business Studies Tel:01727 731407
- Mr J Rutherford - ICT Tel:01727 731370
- Mr C Packard - PE Tel:01727 731340
- Mrs S Robinson - Learning Support SEN Tel:01727 731347
Please contact by email in this format: a.another@marlborough.herts.sch.uk
D.Dean@marlborough.herts.sch.uk - Director of Finance and Resources
M.Moynihan@marlborough.herts.sch.uk - Appointments with Head Miss Thomson