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The Marlborough Science Academy

Results Day 2018

Results Day 2018

Results will be issued on the following dates:

GCE Thursday 16th of August 2018
GCSE Thursday 23rd of August 2018

Results may be collected from the reception area between 9am and 1pm, and Senior Leadership Staff and teaching staff will be available to assist with any queries or advice if required.

Any uncollected results for Year 11, 12 and 13 will be posted home, and Year 10 will be distributed to students on their return in September, if not collected.

If a student wishes to nominate someone to collect their results on their behalf, then we MUST have this in writing. A note from the student naming the person nominated and giving permission will be fine, we cannot accept text messages or speak to students on the phone to authorise this, in line with GDPR Regulations.