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The Marlborough Science Academy


Please click on the tab to the left to see the full report.

Please click here to see letter from the Headteacher 

Quotes from our latest Ofsted report (November 2023) 

"Pupils are polite, respectful and behave very well. Excellent relationships are evident between staff and pupils."

"As a result, pupils feel safe, cared for and happy in school."

"The school has carefully considered their local and pupil context when designing their curriculum."

"Behaviour around the school and in lessons is exemplary. Pupils enjoy their learning and engage positively with their work. They are respectful and polite. Staff support pupils who find learning challenging to access the curriculum and become successful in their studies. Pupils are diligent, present work to a high standard and are proud of their achievements."

Parents/Carers can offer feedback to Ofsted at any time via the Parent View questionnaire, please click on the image below to access this:



To facilitate the ease of access to information, this page provides shortcuts to key information within our school website.

Academy Contact Information:

Academy Name: The Marlborough Science Academy

Address: Watling Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 2QA


Telephone: 01727 856874

Headteacher: Ms A Thomson –

Chair of Governors: Mrs J Walker-Smith - contact via

SENCo: Mrs S Robinson –

Below is a set of quick links to areas on our website that may be useful for Ofsted inspections, parents/carers or other interested parties.

Academy Policies and Procedures: 

Click here to view our key policies and procedures.  

Admissions: Information on our admissions arrangements can be found here.  

Assessment/Exam Results: Click here for information about assessment at Marlborough and click here for information about our examination results for 2023.    

British Values: Information about how we promote British Values can be found here.  

Careers: Click here for more information about our careers provision. 

Character Education: Click here for more information about character education at Marlborough. 

Curriculum: Information on our Curriculum can be found here. Further details about the teaching and learning taking place in all subject areas can be found here

Enrichment: Click here for more information about enrichment opportunities at Marlborough. 

Equality Objectives: our Equality Objectives are included within our Equality Policy which can be viewed on our policies and key documents page here. 

Governance: Click here to view our governance arrangements. 

Post 16: Information on Post 16 at Marlborough can be found here

Pupil Premium: Click here for more information about our pupil premium allocation. 

Safeguarding: Click here to view more information about safeguarding and e-safety at Marlborough. 

School News: Click here to view the latest news about our school and access copies of our school newsletter.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: Click here for more information about our SEND provision.

Staff Continuing Professional Development: Click here to view our TeachMeet website, supporting CPD and teaching and learning at Marlborough. 

Teaching and Learning - Marlborough at the Cutting Edge: Click here to read more about some of the teaching and learning initiatives that have taken place in our school. 

Values and Ethos: Information about our values and ethos can be found here.